
Monday, June 18, 2012

Best Accounting Software - My dad stops by and offers his thoughts on how tax software is effecting accountants. You can watch the entire live TLDR episode here: http Payroll Software - Ever wonder if your pay check withholding tax is correct? Are the deductions and withholding correct? Breaktru Payroll© makes it easy to calculate & track your weekly or biweekly pay checks. Enter the hours worked as well as overtime, holiday, sick leave, and other pay categories, then Breaktru Payroll© applies the withholding tax rates for federal tax, state tax, and city tax based on your exemptions claimed and marital status. Vary your K-plan deduction to see what percentage is right for you. Calculates Medicare, SDI, SUI, Cafeteria Plan and Social Security tax. A year to date printout shows your week by week earnings and deduction. Export report to Excel. Print Employee Pay Checks and pay period report. Very simple to use. There is NO better Payroll Software at this low, low price. See for yourself. Download a FREE trial and get started today. Best Payroll Software (breaktru @ ECF) Video Rating: 5 / 5

1 comment:

  1. Hello William, I really liked your article. I want to ask that what would be more beneficial - buying a software for payroll management or paying for a payroll specialist? I guess, a payroll expert person can give more services than any software. What is your perception, William Louden?

    Jimmie Menon
    Guelph Payroll Service
