
Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Resemblance Between Marriage and Currency Trading
My experiences in life are filtered through my trader eyes. For example, yesterday I went to a wedding and realized that there is a lot of resemblance in a successful marriage and a profitable career as a forex trader. Read more and judge for yourself... 1. You need commitment to succeed. It is easy to have an opinion about marriage when you are single. But living the life of a married man, or woman, is a different story. Committed couples work every day on their happiness. They handle problems in a mature way, and understand they will only get out of marriage what they are willing to give. Many people have an idea of what currency trading is, and later realize that the reality is different. If they are not committed, when problems arise, they will fail for sure. 2. There will be difficult times. When you find a couple that has been married for 25 years do you think everything was nice and easy in their lives? I am sure there were times when things were hard. That is why we admire them, they were able to overcome problems and made their marriage work. Successful traders go through difficult periods on their career, but they never quit. Remember: winners never quit and quitters never win. You need to handle your losses in a mature way or your career as a forex trader will be doomed. 3. Many marriages fail, that does not mean marriage is a scam. Many marriages end up in divorce, that is the equivalent of a trader's account been wiped out. Just because many fail that does not mean you have to join them. If you do things in a different way you will have different results. Developing the right mindset is a good start, for example. People that get married aspire for a long lasting relation; investors who trade seek profit; in both cases many will fail. Promise yourself that you will succeed no matter what, people with strong resolutions have big power over their lives. Finally I want to say that if you want a profitable career trading currencies find good mechanical system with positive expectancy, and sound money management rules. I know trading the forex market can be a rewarding occupation; you need no special skills or natural talents to become a successful trader. Anyone with the determination and the right information can learn how to trade. FREE Trading System!

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